Getting Started with the Genesys ZU


Upon opening the box, the MIPI CSI-2 IP Voucher can be found on top of the Genesys ZU, which is placed in an anti-static bag.

The IEC cables, USB cables, JTAG HS1 product kit, and microSD card case can be found underneath the piece of cardboard placed underneath the board (1).

The power supply can be found in the box next to the board (2).

The microSD card can be found in the Genesys ZU's microSD card slot. For more details about the board check the reference manual: Genesys ZU Reference Manual

What comes in the box?
  • Genesys ZU-3EG (or -5EV) (4)
  • 12V, 8A power supply (8)
  • IEC cable with European plug (1)
  • IEC cable with US plug (5)
  • USB A to micro B programming cable (2)
  • USB A to Type C cable (3)
  • JTAG HS1 programmer and cable (6) *
  • microSD card (loaded into the Genesys ZU's microSD card slot), with a case (7)
  • Voucher for license for Xilinx's MIPI CSI-2 IP cores (not pictured here).

* From version 2020.1 Vivado supports the board, and it can be used via the mini-USB port so the JTAG HS1 is removed from the box. (In older versions of Vivado the board was accessible with this.)

Using the Out-of-Box Image

First Boot

Note: At time of manufacturing, the programming mode select jumper is set to “SD”, and the microSD card with the Out-of-Box Petalinux image is placed in the microSD card slot.

Note: Some boards may contain an empty SD card due to a manufacturing error. If after the 4.-th instruction the boot sequence doesn't start you are in this situation. In this case, please check the Getting the Out-of-Box image section further below on this page. After doing those steps, you can continue here.

Note: For more information about the board, please check the reference manual.

  1. Connect the power supply.
  2. Connect a computer to the USB/PROG port via the provided MicroUSB cable.
  3. Connect a serial terminal to the serial port associated with the board with a baud rate of 115200. (There will be two serial ports associated with the board, connect to the first one. The second one is for debugging.)
  4. Flip the POWER switch to the ON position.
  5. Wait for the boot sequence to complete.
  6. Log into the board with the username “root” and password “root”.

At this point, a command shell with root privileges has been opened into the Out-of-Box demo's Petalinux OS.

Note: If desired, an SSH connection can be established with the board by connecting it to a router via an ethernet cable. The IP address of the board can be determined by using the command 'ip a' in the serial terminal.


When finished using the Genesys ZU, make sure to safely shut down the OS through the shell. The following command can be used:

 shutdown -h now 

Running Test Scripts

Several test scripts are built into the OS. These can be found in the /usr/bin directory, and are listed below:

Table 1. Test Scripts

Test Name Description
DP-bist Displays a test pattern over DisplayPort
DP-bist-wrapper Wraps DP-bist to allow it to run in the background
network-bist Tests the network connections through eth0 and wlan0 by bringing the interface up, requesting an IP address through DHCP and pinging the default gateway DHCP gives us. The first argument is the interface to test, `eth0` or `wlan0`. For `wlan0` two more arguments need to be provided, the SSID and PSK of the access point to associate with. If the board was connected to internet via cable before trying to connect to wifi and the wlan has a different inet than the cable connection, the attempt to ping will fail because it will try to ping the the old inet(via cable).
pci-bist Checks whether a specific device (Qualcomm QCA6174) is installed in the Mini PCIe slot.
rtc-test Tests the Real Time Clock. Check this link for the current time since epoch in seconds.
If the Genesys ZU is turned off and the RTC battery is removed or discharged below 1.2V, the RTC would lose its current time. For the RTC to operate correctly after the next power-up, it would need to be reprogrammed with the correct date and time, using the following command:
sudo rtc-test [seconds_since_epoch] write

To verify if the current RTC date and time are correct, the following command can be used:

sudo rtc-test [seconds_since_epoch]

For both of these commands, [seconds_since_epoch] is a value that can be obtained from the above link.

sim-bist Queries the gammu utility for the presence of a SIM card. Needs a cellular modem installed in the Mini PCIe slot.
sysmon Checks the temperature of the FPGA PL or the voltage on the power rails. The chanels can be seen by listing the /sys/bus/iio/devices/iio\:device0
type-c-dir Displays the orientation of the attached USB Type C cable.
uio-test Tests several AXI GPIO peripherals tied to PL User IOs (LEDs, RGB LEDs, buttons, switches)
usb-bist Tests onboard USB devices to see if they are being enumerated and brought up correctly. Returns zero in case of success, if the device is connected, otherwise returns a non-zero value and prints a message.
usb-reset Resets all connected USB devices by unbinding and binding their drivers. This should also provide a hardware reset to the devices.
wifi-bist Used by the network-bist script. Associates the board with the wireless point. The wto parameters are the wifi ssid and password.
zuca-test-suite Wraps the other test scripts for testing in manufacturing. Requires modification to be run by a user. For internal use only.

Further information on these tests can be found by reviewing the test scripts on the board with a built-in text editor and by viewing their sources on GitHub: test-suite files.

UIO Test Example

The image to the right is the result of running the following command in the serial terminal, which turns on each of the five PL LEDs in sequence:

for i in {0..4}; do uio-test -t led -i $i -v 1; done

Getting the Out-of-Box Image

The Out-of-box image files can be found under tag “<variant/oob/release/v2.2” in the Genesys ZU releases linked in the table below.

Digilent has also released versions of the Genesys ZU Out-of-Box demo for newer versions of Xilinx's toolchain, listed in the table below. The latest released image files for this demo are highlighted in green.

Board Variant Vivado/Petalinux Version Release Tag Release Download
Genesys ZU-5EV 2024.1 5ev/oob/2024.1
Genesys ZU-3EG 2024.1 3eg/oob/2024.1
Genesys ZU-5EV 2023.1 5ev/oob/2023.1 genesys-zu-5ev.img.gz
Genesys ZU-3EG 2023.1 3eg/oob/2023.1 genesys-zu-3eg.img.gz
Genesys ZU-5EV 2020.1 5ev/oob/release/v2.2 5EV Out-of-Box SD Image v2.2
Genesys ZU-3EG 2020.1 3eg/oob/release/v2.2 3EG Out-of-Box SD Image v2.2
Genesys ZU-5EV 2020.1 5ev/oob/2020.1-1 5ev/oob/2020.1-1
Genesys ZU-3EG 2020.1 3eg/oob/2020.1-1 3eg/oob/2020.1-1

* Instructions for Windows:

  1. Download the genesys-zu-version image file for your variant of the board, found in the table above, and uncompress it.
  2. Download a tool, like SD Imager to write the image file to the SD card. In case of SD Imager, you need to extract the downloaded .zip, and then run SDImager.exe.
  3. Plug in the SD card into your PC (for example via SD card adapter). The SD card is located in the SD card slot, which can be opened by pulling it slightly in the direction of the cooler.
  4. Select your SD card as SD drive, your uncompressed image file as Image file, and click on the Write button.
  5. Wait for the SD Imager to terminate the write, then click on the Exit button.
  6. Eject the SD card, unplug it, and put it back into the SD card slot of the board.

* Instructions for Linux:

  1. Download the genesys-zu-version image file for your variant of the board, found in the table above, and uncompress it.
  2. Plug in the SD card into your PC (for example via SD card adapter). The SD card is located in the SD card slot, which can be opened by pulling it slightly in the direction of the cooler.
  3. Your card must appear in the /dev/ folder.
  4. Copy the uncompressed image file with the dd command:
    sudo dd if=./genesys-zu-version.img of=/dev/sdc

    In the command replace sdc with your SD card, and version with your board version.

  5. Eject the SD card, unplug it, and put it back into the SD card slot of the board.

Rebuilding the Out-of-Box Image

In order to get access to bugfixes or changes made to the Out-of-Box demo and test scripts, or to view or change the demo, the corresponding repositories must be cloned and rebuilt.

License Requirements

Without user modification, rebuilding the Out-of-Box image for the Genesys ZU requires a license from AMD (formerly Xilinx) for the HDMI Subsystem IP. For more information on this license, please review the Software Support section of the Genesys ZU Reference Manual, and the HDMI IP page on Xilinx's website.

This guide does not discuss the details involved in making changes to the out-of-box projects. Users should refer to the appropriate documentation for the tools and IP used in these designs.


  • Computer running Linux with the following software installed:
    • A supported version of Vivado with Digilent Board Files:
    • The corresponding version of Petalinux:
      • Installation instructions can be found in Chapter 2 of AMD UG1144, Petalinux Tools Documentation
  • Sources for the Out-of-Box demo from Digilent's GitHub.
    Note: How to clone these repositories is discussed in further detail below.

Important: For more information on supported Linux distributions, required dependencies, and other additional requirements, see AMD UG1144.

Digilent has released versions of the Genesys ZU Out-of-Box demo for several versions of Xilinx's toolchain, listed in the table from the Getting the Out-of-Box Image section above. Release tags will be used to clone the repository, so once you've selected which version you want to use, make note of the tag. Digilent makes an effort to keep functionality of the demo the same between versions, but there may be minor differences and bugfixes.

Additionally, if you want to clone and edit the source files for the SD card image that originally shipped with your Genesys ZU:

Note: This guide has been updated since screenshots were taken, several screenshots may not be wholly representative of the step that needs to be performed.

Building the Hardware Design

1. Clone the Genesys ZU Repository

Using a terminal or your git application of choice, use the following command to recursively clone the Genesys ZU base repository from Digilent's Github, checking out the tag of your choice in the process.

git clone --recursive --branch <tag>

So, for example, use the following command to clone 2024.1 sources for the 3EG variant of the board:

git clone --recursive --branch 3eg/oob/2024.1

Digilent uses a submodule-based structure to separate Petalinux and Vivado components of projects, so the –recursive flag is required in order to pick up all sources, without the need to manually initialize and update these submodules.

2. Launch Vivado

Launch the Vivado GUI. On Linux, this requires using the terminal to source the script, found in Vivado's installation directory, followed by invoking the `vivado` command:

source <vivado install directory>/

3. Create the Vivado Project

In the TCL console at the bottom of the Vivado window, use the following command to recreate the Vivado project from its sources, where <repo path> represents the full path to the cloned repository:

source <repo path>/hw/digilent-vivado-scripts/checkout.tcl

4. Build the Vivado Project

With the project created and open, the Vivado IP Integrator design that defines the hardware can be explored.

To rebuild the design, click the Generate Bitstream button, found at the bottom of the Flow Navigator.

In the No Implementation Results Available dialog, click Yes to launch Synthesis and Implementation.

In the Launch Runs dialog, choose a number of jobs to use, and click OK.

Note: The number of jobs specifies how much of the system's resources will be dedicated to the build. The more jobs used, the faster the build will be completed.

Wait for the runs to be completed. When finished, the indicator at the top right corner of the window will display “write_bitstream completed”. This process may take some time.

5. Export Build Outputs

Lastly, the build outputs must be exported from Vivado for use by Petalinux. In the menu at the top of the window, select File → Export → Export Hardware.

In the dialog that pops up, choose a directory to export the Hardware Definition File (HDF) to, make sure to include the bitstream, then click OK. Take note of the directory the HDF has been placed within, as it can optionally be imported into the Petalinux project.

Configuring and Building the Petalinux Project

You've already cloned Petalinux sources in previous steps. They can be found in the 'os' folder of the Genesys-ZU repository you previously cloned. Open a terminal and cd into this folder.

2. Initialize Petalinux

In the terminal, set up Petalinux using the command below, where <petalinux install directory> represents the directory that Petalinux was installed into:

source <petalinux install directory>/

Note: Running this command is required in any terminal session where Petalinux will be used. If desired, it is possible to add this command to the system's bash initialization scripts, as can be seen in the screenshot to the right.

3. Petalinux Project Configuration (Optional)

Important: The information presented in this step briefly details some petalinux commands that may be helpful. None of these commands are required to build the image.

A newly generated HDF file can be loaded into the project with this command, where <hdf directory> represents the directory that the HDF file was exported into from Vivado:

petalinux-config --get-hw-description=<hdf directory>

While building, the Petalinux project writes the necessary files into the tftpboot directory. This allows tftp (Trivial File Transfer Protocol) to be used to boot the board over a UART connection with minimal user effort. It should be noted that if TFTP is not installed on the system, some warning messages may be generated during the build process.

Any changes in Vivado to the set of IP connected to the processor over AXI require that the system-user.dtsi file be edited to associate the connected IP with compatible drivers.

Additional information on what can be changed and how can be found in Xilinx's Petalinux Tools Documentation (UG1144).

4. Build the Petalinux Project

Once any necessary changes have been made, run the following command to build the project:


This process may take some time; 15-60 minutes depending on the computer used.

5. Package the Build Outputs

Once the project has been built, the FSBL, FPGA bitstream, PMU firmware, and U-Boot must be packaged into a single binary which can be used to boot the board. This binary is named “BOOT.bin” and can be generated with the following command:

petalinux-package --boot --force --fsbl --fpga --u-boot

BOOT.bin is placed within the project's `images/linux` directory when the packaging command has finished running. The other file required for boot, image.ub, can be found in the same directory.

Running the Rebuilt Image on the Board

A microSD card used to boot Petalinux must first be formatted with a FAT32 filesystem, and the build outputs BOOT.bin and image.ub must be placed within the first partition. A variety of techniques can be used to accomplish this, for example, the dd command command can be used to format the card.

Once the SD card has been installed, the board can be booted as seen in the Using the Out-of-Box Image section of this guide. Make sure that the programming mode select jumper has been set to “SD”, power on the board, and connect a serial terminal to it through its USB-UART interface.

Final Thoughts

More information on the Genesys ZU can be found in its Resource Center, on this wiki.

For technical support, please visit the Programmable Logic section of the Digilent Forums, and its Embedded Linux subsection.