DAQami™ 4.2.1

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DAQami™ 4.2.1
Data Acquisition Companion Software for Acquiring Data and Generating Signals
  • Out-of-the-box data acquisition companion software for supported USB, Ethernet, and Bluetooth® DAQ devices
  • Easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface
  • Supports multiple devices for concurrent data input and output applications
  • Acquire and log virtually unlimited samples from analog, digital, and counter input channels
  • Generate signals from analog, digital, and counter/timer output channels
  • Export acquired data to a .csv file for use in Microsoft® Excel® or MATLAB®
  • English, Chinese, and German language support
  • Supported Operating Systems: Windows® 11*/10/8/7/Vista®, 32-bit or 64-bit

DAQami provides an intuitive drag-and-drop interface for users to quickly and easily become familiar with the features of a data acquisition (DAQ) device, acquire data, and generate signals. DAQami is ideal for interactive testing, data logging, and developing applications that run for minutes or days.


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Is DAQami supported in Windows 11?
Yes, however you will need to install the latest version of InstaCal to ensure that all required driver support is available to the DAQami application. InstaCal downloads can be found here: https://cloud.digilent.com/myproducts/InstaCal?tab=2.
How can I save multiple Custom configurations under "Selected Channel(s) Settings", to be recalled later?
How can I save multiple Custom configurations under “Selected Channel(s) Settings”, to be recalled later? One of the channels on my DAQ monitors the output from a switch that toggles among multiple possible circuits. Depending on which circuit I am connected to, I must apply a different multiplier to the signal to obtain a correct measurement. I can create multiple “Custom” entries in the dropdown menu under the [Configuration Panel –> Channels –> Analog Input –> Selected Channel(s) Settings] menu during one session of running the DAQami software. However, I've noticed that all but one of these are lost when I close out of the program (the only configuration that gets saved is the last one I ran). I need to be able to save multiple different Custom configurations, each with their own Multiplier and Offset, so that other users do not have to program these settings upon launching the DAQami software every time. Is there a way to embed this in the .amicfg file?
Unfortunately we did not envision that DAQami would be used in this way. You could create 4 differently named configuration files (.amicfg), each using the same model DAQ, same channel on that DAQ, but with a different Multiplier and Offset. i.e. create the first .amicfg file, then change the Multiplier and Offset in it, but pick Save As Configuration, and choose a different file name, and so on. Then your user would choose Open Configuration, choosing the desired .amicfg file by its name.
Can I view the real time data while simultaneously storing readings on the computer?
I will be using the USB 5201 and DAQami
The USB-5201 can be used as a stand-alone data logger or can be connected to your PC via USB port. When connected to your USB port the data can be viewed in real time using DAQami while your data is being saved to a file on your PCs hard-drive. Logging to the Compact Flash card is not supported when connected to your PC.
How can I set up an external clock?
I have a USB-7202. How can I set up an external clock?
DAQami does not support External Clock mode. You would need to consider different software, such as DASYLab, ULx for LabVIEW, or the UL programmers API.
Per install licence?
I assume the DAQami license is a per install license, is that correct. I did not see it stated anywhere.
Yes, it's one license per install.
Can the software do logic?
Before I download and try, I would like to know if the software able to do logic so it can act as controller rather than just data acquisition? For example, “If analog input channel 3 is greater than 3.5, set Digital IO channel B3 to high”. Another example “If time greater than 1.5, set channel B3 to low”
DAQami is not capable of performing automated logic control. You have the ability to monitor analog signals and set digital bits but there is no correlation between the two signals. This type of process control would be a manual process if using DAQami. For an automated process control application, I would recommend DASYLab, our Graphical programming package.
Annotation fields in DAQami
We want to be able to collect data and every so often add an annotation to the file, such that the annotation has a time stamp concurrent with the data being collected when the annotation is written. Is this possible?
DAQami does not support the adding of a file annotation. If the annotation of your data is a requirement then please consider using TracerDAQ PRO. TracerDAQ PRO allows for a user annotation to the strip chart that is also logged in accordance to the time the annotation was added.
External signal to stop recording
I see you can start recording by a trigger. Is there a way to stop recording or is it limited to programmed cycle counts?
DAQami only supports a “Start” trigger. To stop your data collection under DAQami you will be required to input a Sample Count. Stop triggers, unless software initiated, require that the hardware and software both support that feature.
What is maximum of DateRate on one channel
The maximum of Date rate on one channel in the free versio is about 3475Hz. Dose it differin the paid version?
No, the max Data Rate of 3750Hz is not reliant on which version of DAQami you are using. The data rate only applies to certain DAQ products that take advantage of noise filtering. In this case the supported products are the USB-2408 or USB-2416 family of products.
What is the maximum number of channels that can be plotted?
I am looking to graph 82 channels using multiple daq boards using DAQami v4.2.1. How many channels can I plot using the strip chart display?
DAQami can handle plotting such high quantities of channels across one or more strip charts, as long as sample rates are low (such as 1 Hz). Signals from different DAQ devices can be plotted on the same strip chart, though note that when .CSV log files are created, there will be one per DAQ device.
How many computers can you install a purchased version of DAQami on?
We recently purchased TC-32 DAQAmi and I'm wondering what the conditions of the software license are. I'm not sure if it's a computer or a user license and I'm not sure if it's limited to 1 computer or 1 user or neither.
Each purchased DAQami license is good for installation on only 1 PC at a time. You can uninstall it and then re-install it on a different PC, if you wish. DAQami can be installed and used fully on any PC for 30 days (until its evaluation period expires).
Is it possible to start an acquisition automatically at certain hours?
I have a RedLab 1024LS I download the free version of DAQami and I can't change the source of start trigger.
DAQami does not support a time interval trigger. DAQami only has support for a manual or an ext digital start trigger. If you require a time interval trigger then you can use our TracerDAQ PRO application. TracerDAQ PRO has support for time interval triggers as well as an internal trigger and external trigger as well.
Is any data automatically saved?
My computer restarted during data collection. Is the data that was taken before the restart automatically saved in any format on the computer?
DAQami is designed to perform a file save every 15 seconds. With the exception of a system crash that may have corrupted the file. Some portion of the file should be saved.
Is there a way to copy cursor data values?
When using a DAQami strip chart with cursors A and B turned on, I would like to copy the cursor X and Y data values displayed as well as the delta X and Y values displayed above the chart. Is there a to copy these data values? I can't find a way to select the values and ctrl-c.
There is currently no way to copy/capture the cursor or delta values. We will consider this suggestion for future product enhancement.
What other manufacturers' hardware is supported by DAQAmi?
I presently use a mix of some older MCC DAQ hardware along with some from other manufacturers, with Labtech Notebook Pro on older computers running Win98. I need to update computers and operating system. Are older MCC products (such as PPIO-AI08) and USB-based hardware from other manufacturers supported by the Instacal version supplied with DAQAmi?
DAQami is only compatible with Measurement Computing’s USB and Ethernet DAQ hardware. You can view a list of supported MCC hardware in the Documentation section. For a programming language similar to Labtech Notebook Pro, take a look at DASYLab. DASYLab offers support for Measurement Computing hardware as well as other popular DAQ vendors.
Could I do some basic signal processing?
For example using the USB-200 Series and DAQami SW could I acquire a signal add a delay and send it out on one of the analog outputs? Or could a acquire a signal amplified or attenuated by some factor and send it out on one of the analog outputs (wo significant delay? The signals are 1 to 20KHZ in bandwidth.
The USB-202 and/or the USB-205 are both capable of running a control sequence like the one you described below. However, DAQami does not provide this form of customization. DAQami can acquire data and can also generate signals but there is no correlation between the inputs and the outputs, they run independent of each other. To develop a program like the one below you will need to use one of the following options: Our Universal Library for .NET, our ULx drivers for LabVIEW, or our DASYLab Graphical programming language.
Can I change the DAQami configuration to SE with a USB-2408?
I have a USB-2408 module that I want to sample SE for a total of 16 analog channels. When I install and start the DAQami application it comes up in differential mode and I can not change the selection. The USB-2408 is listed as SE capable but the application is not allowing the selection.
For the USB-2408 (and for the USB-2416) currently you will need to first set all channels to Single-Ended mode in InstaCal. Then DAQami will be able to enable and use all 16 channels. Note that DAQami still says “Differential”, but that can be ignored. We plan to simplify this in a future DAQami rev.
Sampling rate for Thermocouple?
I need to acquire Thermocouple data over periods ranging from 1 30 min to 24 hours. I do need fast acquisition at times, but a sampling rate of 1-2 times per second most of the time. What software do you have that can handle this requirement.
Based on the requirements of your experiment DAQami will work nicely. DAQami has the capability of logging up to 1 million samples per channel per file. At your desired sample rate of 2 S/sec you would be able to collect, display and store data for a little over a period of 138 hours.
Does the software support more than one USB device?
We have an application that would use there USB-2408 units taking data simultaneously from slowly varrying DC signals (single ended). We would take at least 37 channels in “parallel”. Does the software support such a configuration?
DAQami now supports multiple DAQ boards sampling concurrently. When data is exported into CSV format, the AI data for each DAQ board will be exported into its own data file.
Do I need to be connected to device to acquire data?
When using a TC-32 do I need to be connected to the device to acquire data or will the TC-32 log data that I can pull when connected. For example if connected to the TC-32 once a week, can data be pulled for that entire week?
Yes, the TC-32 must be connected at all times, and the DAQ software must be running at all times. The DAQ software is requesting each reading from the hardware, and the DAQ software is logging each reading to disk.
Can DAQAmi do averaging?
I tried to submit this, but the website seems to be behaving oddly. Anyway, can I get the software to do averaging? That is, I'd like to poll the instrument 100 times per second, and calculate an average once every 10 seconds. And then collect and record only the 10-second average
At present, DAQami 3.0 is unable to perform averaging but our DASYLab (LITE) graphical programming language has support for block averaging. For your convenience, we offer a 28 day evaluation version of DASYLab. We appreciate your input and all suggestions will be taken into consideration for future releases of DAQami.
I can't seem to find any details on the triggering option.
I am using DAQami with a USB-1608FS and would like to use the hardware trigger channel. I have an external comparator system to monitor input channels for positive or negative deviation. I only see a software trigger option in the setup
Since its introduction DAQami has supported both a Software or an External-Digital Start trigger for DAQ devices that support digital hardware triggers. DAQami also supports a Software Stop trigger. If you are referring to the start trigger options and do not see the External-Digital selection in the pull down menu then please contact technical support through the forum.
DAQami Capability
Hello, I have a USB-2408 device. At its price point, DAQami seems to be a very capable piece of software. If purchased, I want to ensure that it can acquire the data I need. I need to capture 6 channels of voltage data simultaneously at about 100 Hz each. The device information indicates it is capable of 1000 S/sec, so this is within the device capability. I would like to ensure that DAQami does not have any limitations on the data rate or number of channels. Thank you.
DAQami WILL support the full channel count and sample rate of a supported MCC USB DAQ device. However, DAQami does have one limitation that may or may not effect your data collection. DAQami can collect and log up to 1 million samples per channel per file. Unfortunately, this cannot be circumvented. However, we have several options for acquiring over 1 million samples continuously. You can use our Universal Library for Windows, we also have our ULx drivers for NI LabVIEW. Both of the libraries are included with our products. If you are not a programmer and are looking for something easy to use, you can always use our DASYLab Graphical programming language. You can download a FREE 28 Day Evaluation.
Why is minimum sample rate not as shown in demo?
We have a USB-1208LS, and the minimum sample rate shown on the Acquisition set-up tab is 100 samples per second. The demo video shows 0.029 samples per second as the minimum. Why do we not see that lower sampling rate? The 100 samples per second will generate way to much data in the log file for our needs (1 sample per second is more than enough.)
Hello - The USB-1208LS DAQ device has a narrow range of possible hardware-paced sampling rates (100 to 1200 Hz). i.e. this specific hardware model is the reason. One improvement you could make is to sample all channels, even if you do not have signals connected – this will reduce the 100 Hz down (to 25 Hz in DIFF and 12.5 Hz in SE).
Is there a way to acquire more than 1 million data points?
In the TracerDAQ it is possible to acquire 30.000 samples. For TraceDAQ Pro it says 1 million samples per channel. I would like to log about 10 million data points, without interruption. Is it possible in TracerDAQ PRO or any other software acquire this amount of samples without interruption?
There is no way to circumvent the 1 million sample limitation of TracerDAQ PRO. However, we have several options for acquiring over 1 million samples continuously. You can use our Universal Library for Windows, we also have our ULx drivers for NI LabVIEW. Both of the libraries are included with our products. If you are not a programmer and are looking for something easy to use, you can always use our DASYLab Graphical programming language. You can download a FREE 28 Day Evaluation.
Can this be installed on WinXP?
I'm curious if this can be done.
DAQami is supported by the following Operating Systems: Windows® 8/7/Vista®, 32-bit or 64-bit.
Is DAQami compatible..
Is DAQami compatible with the Web Temp data logger?
Hello, At this time DAQami is not compatible with the WEB-TEMP temperature device. Please do not hesitate to contact us through the forum to discuss other available software options.
Excel format
Hello, What type of files does the DAQami creats? Can I configure the DAQami to create logs files in Excel format? Thank you, Roberto
Hello Roberto, DAQami creates two files each time you run an acquisition. The .mch file that contains the device configuration and the .mch that contains the logged data (DAQami is required to view these files) DAQami does not permit you to log data directly to Excel. However, you can export acquired DAQami data to a comma-separated values (.CSV) file using the Export options built into DAQami.
Is it possible to create a scatter plot with one channel on the x axis and one on the y axis?
If not, what software would you recommend using to do this?
DAQami is not capable of creating a scatter plot. To do so, an X/Y graph is required and DAQami utilizes a Y/T chart. To create a scatter plot, I would recommend that you use DASYLab BASIC. DASYLab BASIC has the necessary X/Y plot to do what you need. We offer a 28 day evaluation copy of DASYLab that you can download and try out.
Can I install 2 usb-tc devices and collect all 16 points on 1 chart with DAQami software?
DAQami 1.0 supports using only one USB device at a time. Support for multiple devices is planned in an upcoming version.
DAQami export
Does this latest version of DAQami have a feature that will allow for export to an format that MS Excel recognizes or will it require running the captured data through an export program?
Yes, you can export DAQami data to a comma-separated values (.csv) file using the Export Options dialog box. To open this dialog box, click the Gear icon and select Export Data from the menu.
File naming
Does DAQami allow for saving a data capture file to a user specified name so that data sets can be identified when it is retrieved?
Hello - Yes, DAQami lets you fully specify the name of the file. It also can automatically increment the name of that file for each run, which is does by appending the number _1, _2, _3, etc. to the file name you specified.
What is the maximum data transfer rate?
I have a USB-1616FS. What kind of data transfer rate can I expect for sampling on 1 channel? and if all 16 channels are being used?
On page 23 of the USB-1616FS User’s Manual there is a table that outlines the expected sample rates for a single channel and for multiple channels when using a single USB-1616FS DAQ device.
Supported Devices with DAQami
For my USB-2416-AO4 device and using DAQami the manual states that the “Device requires some configuration using InstaCal”. The manual doesn't state which configurations need InstaCal. Is there a list somewhere that provides those details?
Hello - All hardware specific configurations are listed in the Read Me file installed with the software.
Previously purchased USB-1608FS and Tracerdaq Pro, can I buy DAQami for $49?
I previously purchased USB-1608FS and Tracerdaq Pro a few years ago, can I buy DAQami for $49? What can DAQami do for me that Tracerdaq Pro can't? Do you have a comparison table for your software? Thank you, John
The discounted price for DAQami is only valid with the purchase of a compatible MCC DAQ device made at the same time. Unfortunately, it cannot be applied to previously placed orders. MCC does not have a TracerDAQ Pro and DAQami comparison table as they are quite different in their intended audiences. TracerDAQ Pro is a full suite of Virtual Instruments that offer a virtual oscilloscope, function generator, rate generator and strip chart. It is intended for customers who are familiar with these bench top instruments and prefer this user experience when using data acquisition devices. DAQami offers a great environment for those who simply want to monitor and log analog data from USB data acquisition devices. DAQami was designed to be easy to configure and use offering an up-to-date user interface that allows users to create their own combination of data displays. While DAQami offers many benefits, if you are happy with the TracerDAQ Pro Virtual Instrumentation user experience, there is no need to purchase DAQami as both environments can acquire and log up to 1 million samples per channel.
Do you have an OPC interface?
Do you have an OPC interface to your network enabled DAQ units or a method to retrieve historical data from the device? Say I have an mcc device on a network and I want to keep an eye on a value it's monitoring while I'm out of the office, how would I do that
DAQami does not have OPC client support. For OPC interface support you will need to use our DASYLab graphical programming language. All 4 versions, LITE, BASIC, FULL, or PRO support both OPC input and output communications.
Is there an upgrade method from version
We have DAQami version and it will not work with USB-TC.We are currently using TracerDAQ Pro. Is there a upgrade that will allow us to use our USB-TC module in DAQami?
Hello - Unfortunately, there is no free patch or upgrade available for the Pre-Release of DAQami (version To gain compatibility with the newly added features of DAQami (and to add support for the recently added devices) you will need to upgrade to DAQami version 1.0. The cost for DAQami is only $99.00 and is available for immediate download from our website.