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Using the Oscilloscope

This guide walks through the process of setting up WaveForms' Scope instrument and capturing some data. The user interface of the instrument is briefly described.

1. Opening the Scope


Plug in your <test & measurement device>, then start WaveForms and make sure your device is selected.

FIXME image: device manager?


Once the Welcome page loads, in the instrument panel at the left side of the window, click on the Supplies button to open the Power Supplies instrument.

FIXME image: instrument panel callout


Once the Supplies instrument opens, the window contains the controls for the two programmable power supply rails.

FIXME image

2. Using the Scope

This section walks through setting up the power supplies and voltmeter to measure the DC output of the power supplies

2.1 Hardware Setup

FIXME connect V+ to 1+, V- to 2+, GND to 1- and 2-

FIXME image

2.2 Software Setup

Click Welcome/Voltmeter
Click the “docking windows” button
Click the Voltmeter's Run

FIXME image

2.3 Enable the Supplies

Describe default
Click Master Enable
Enable each power supply

FIXME image

2.4 Individual Supply Controls

Enable Button / Status Indicator
Voltage Field (Text/Dropdown)
Slider Min/Max Gear

FIXME image

2.5 Controlling both Supplies

Revisit Master Enable
Tracking Button

FIXME image


FIXME image

Next Steps

For technical support, please visit the Scopes and Instruments section of the Digilent Forums. FIXME link

FIXME try to use a voltage divider circuit to measure the current output of the supplies

FIXME incomplete