We have a new product to announce, the PmodOLEDrgb! The latest addition to our Pmod line is ready for purchase on our new website.
The PmodOLEDrgb features a 96 x 64 pixel RGB OLED display that is capable of 16-bit color resolution. As a graphical display, users may show off graphs, full-color pictures, text, and anything else they want to see by communicating with it through SPI.
One of the interns here at Digilent created a snake project with the PmodOLEDrgb, and there are plenty more cool things that could be done. Let us know what you think of Digilent’s latest product release and any fun ideas you have for it!
I always think these OLEDs are way too small. But at least they look really nice 🙂
Yeah, I’m also a little sad when I realize that the screen is never as big as I hope. But then I find myself looking at the price tag of those big OLED TVs and then I figure it makes some sense that the screens have to be pretty small to keep the price of the Pmod down.
But I’m surprised at the amount of resolution that you are able to achieve on the PmodOLEDrgb with that snake; it looks pretty good!
I am using the the pmodOLED.
Two things I have noticed…
One – the pins are labeled in the wrong order if you are wiring to a 2×6 IDC ribbon connector.
Two – if the connector was on the other side of the board I could mount the module in a case, as it is the connector is at about the same plane as the display face.
Otherwise very happy with it and the ChipKit Lib for it.