Digilent Resources Overview

We here at Digilent are big on documentation. As you may have noticed we have quite a few repositories for our educational material, however it can at times be a bit tricky or overwhelming to navigate all of the available resources. Today we will quickly go over some main online locations that, in addition to the Digilent Store, can help get you started with learning, projecting or engaging with our community.


Blog: If you are reading this, chances are you are familiar with the Digilent Blog already. The blog acts as a place where you can read articles straight from the voices of Digilent itself, and our goal is to impart both interesting information as well as useful documentation.

Learn Site: The Digilent Learn site is an excellent place to go if you are looking to browse through educational curriculum or project modules. This site’s goal is defined as the following:

“The Digilent Learn site is an open, freely accessible community resource for sharing teaching and learning materials focused on electrical and computer engineering.

The site is built around a growing collection of hands-on design projects that offer insight and design experience in key areas like analog circuit design, microprocessor programming, and digital circuit design”


This site offers a diverse and in-depth spread of topics, as well as a subscribe feature for staying in touch with updates!

YouTube Channel: If you happen to be more of a visual person, make sure to check out the Digilent YouTube channel. It features a wide range of videos from project highlights to product showcases as well as series such as the Pmod Monthly.

Our video team does an amazing job of putting together these visual demonstrations of the amazing things that can be done with Digilent technology!

Social Media: sf

Make sure to follow our social media channels in order to get updates and heads up on special discounts! We also run fun contests such as Circuit Thursday so make sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter!



If you happen to have a question or need any sort of technical support, the Digilent Forum is the place for you!



If you are more looking for pure documentation, check out our extensive wiki. Here we detail the datasheets, schematics, reference manual and outlets for support for our products. The wiki is organized by major category and alphabetically.


In addition to the network presented above, we also have documentation on Instructables under individual profiles as well as product sites (such as AnalogDiscovery.com). Hopefully this guide can help you determine what resource you need when, and how to get the most out of our community!



  • Miranda Hansen

    I enjoy creative writing, engineering, thinking, building, exploring and sharing with people. Huge aficionado of spending time thinking about things that “don’t matter.” I am very interested in unconstrained creativity. I love cross-discipline ideas and all of their integration into complete original systems. And I like things that do things.

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About Miranda Hansen

I enjoy creative writing, engineering, thinking, building, exploring and sharing with people. Huge aficionado of spending time thinking about things that “don’t matter.” I am very interested in unconstrained creativity. I love cross-discipline ideas and all of their integration into complete original systems. And I like things that do things.

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