TBT: Digilent’s History

Have you ever wanted to know Digilent’s history? We’ve done a few blog posts recounting some of the cool things Digilent has done in the past. Now, we’ve gathered all those in one place for you to go if you’re ever curious!

Old boards, videos, and miscellany from our past. 

The original Cerebot!
The original Cerebot!

One of our old locations, with the warehouse and desks all in one space!



All the boards in the Cerebot line…


Digilent’s early packaging and advertising. 


The Nexys line in its entirety…


Digilent’s very first YouTube video!

Our first conference display.


Some of our old brochures.


How Digilent got started.


We look forward to many more years and more posts as we grow!


  • Amber Mear

    I was the Digilent blog editor, and now I'm a contributor. I love learning about wearables and writing about social issues in STEM. Outside of work, I can be found watching Netflix with my cat, working on an art project, or trying to find new, delicious local foods.

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About Amber Mear

I was the Digilent blog editor, and now I'm a contributor. I love learning about wearables and writing about social issues in STEM. Outside of work, I can be found watching Netflix with my cat, working on an art project, or trying to find new, delicious local foods.

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