New Connected MCU Lab Videos

A while back we posted about the new Connected MCU Lab curriculum from Imagination Technologies, well now we have a new educational video series designed to show students and educators the highlights of this material.

Alex Dean head-shot

Our new video series about the Connected MCU Lab is hosted by Dr. Alexander Dean of North Carolina State University. Alexander Dean is the person who originally developed the lab and all of its included materials; he is an associate professor who has extensive experience in both education and industry.

Dr. Dean worked for several years at United Technologies Research Center. He analyzed, simulated and designed communication networks and system architectures for jet engines, elevators, cars and climate control systems for buildings.

Dr. Dean’s research uses computer architecture, compiler technology, and real-time analysis and scheduling to simplify the design and implementation of embedded systems. He focuses his efforts on maximizing the efficiency of standard microcontrollers, which are much less expensive than dedicated microcontrollers.

Dr. Dean’s work with microcontrollers as well as his classroom experience have uniquely qualified him to construct this exciting new college curriculum based on MCUs. The Connected MCU Lab starts students with the basic microcontroller fundamentals of programming and interfacing, and it quickly builds up to system optimization and finally to interfacing your MCU with the Internet of Things wirelessly through WiFi.

WiFIRE - In use

The board that Dr. Dean uses throughout the Connected MCU Lab is Digilent’s Wi-FIRE board with a PIC32 microcontroller. In the Connected MCU Lab Video Series, Dr. Dean introduces the course material, describes the Wi-FIRE board, walks through the steps required to download the teaching materials and software, and shows off a couple of the hands-on learning activities throughout the course.

Visit our YouTube channel and check out these exciting new videos!


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