With the growth of computer science and cybernetics, the first mobile robots debuted during World War II. In the decades since, further advancements have made it possible to create a wide range of mobile robots, all with varying purposes and capabilities. But now, Instructables user MarioaraR explains how to make your very own Spy Rover with a chipKIT Wi-FIRE.
This Instructable details, as previously mentioned, how to make a Spy Rover. It uses the chipKIT Wi-FIRE as a main controller, and the PmodGYRO, PmodACL, PmodGPS, the PmodMAXSONAR, and the PmodBT2 act as sensors. They all connect to a smart device, which provides the brain for this robot. Two motors connected by an H-bridge provide mobility, and the camera sits on top of a separate stepper motor. The camera transmits the image data to the PC or smart device you’ve connected.
This project would certainly provide a challenge, one we’d look forward to seeing! If you’ve made this or something similar, let us know!