Whack-A-Mole with the Nexys 2

Did you ever play Whack-a-Mole as a child? I must confess, my familiarity with it stems form the harmless fun of Whack-a-Kitty, a version that has kittens attempting to escape from box and being lightly tapped with an inflatable hammer. The version explored in this Instructable by  uses a Nexys 2 board to create a fun, new way to play Whack-a-Mole.

This project uses the Nexys 2 board, 3 LEDs, the ISE Design Suite, the Adept software, and the Whackamole files.


Much like the standard game of Whack-a-Mole, this project has you “whack” the “moles” when they come up. However, this version is simulated on a Nexys 2 board. Once you have the zip files downloaded, the game begins. When an LED comes on, you “whack the mole” by toggling the switch underneath it.

The seven-segment display shows your score.
The seven-segment display shows your score.

Excited to play? Have a version of your own? Let us know!


  • Amber Mear

    I was the Digilent blog editor, and now I'm a contributor. I love learning about wearables and writing about social issues in STEM. Outside of work, I can be found watching Netflix with my cat, working on an art project, or trying to find new, delicious local foods.

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About Amber Mear

I was the Digilent blog editor, and now I'm a contributor. I love learning about wearables and writing about social issues in STEM. Outside of work, I can be found watching Netflix with my cat, working on an art project, or trying to find new, delicious local foods.

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