This self-solving Rubik’s Cube was brought to our attention by Bert Sierra, on the µCauliflower Brew Club Facebook page. He sums up the project below:
Bert Sierra
This little self-solving Rubik’s cube project blew me away just now. The precision of the mechanical engineering here, the miniaturization of all the micro-controller and motors is extraordinary.
Mr. Sierra discusses the hardware that can make extraordinary projects like this possible, such as a Raspberry Pi Zero or a Cmod A7-35T board.
It is no secret that the recent advancements in miniaturizing microcontrollers and other hardware have opened up a whole new realm of project possibilities to the maker/hobbyist crowd. It is so exciting to see what people come up with to utilize this technology!
See the full article here.
Original featured image found here.
Because realms is made up for gaming only. It is a gaming smartphone