My Favorite Digilent Board

I think one of my favorite — and the most practical — of the Digilent boards is the chipKIT Cmod. It is the smallest of the chipKIT family, which makes it great for small scale projects. The Cmod board is equipped with 40 pin connectors and two Digilent Pmod connectors. The Cmod can be easily attached to a breadboard and is also great for prototyping. Just like the rest of chipKIT family, this board can be programmed through MPIDE. If you would prefer something a little bit more advanced you can also use MPLAB® IDE for programming.

While the Cmod is small, it does pack a punch. The chipKIT Cmod uses the Microchip® PIC32MX150F128D microcontroller as its basis of operation. With a 32-bit MIPS, 32k SRam, and 128K Flash it does make the Cmod not as powerful as the other members but it still can hold its own. This board is perfect for beginners and testing out circuit designs. The Cmod can be used to be tested on any of the PMods that Digilent makes.

In the end, the chipKIT Cmod is one of the best boards to use if you’re a beginner or even a more advanced user. Be sure to check out this product and any of the other chipKIT boards that seem interesting.


  • Robert Prew

    I am studying Electrical Engineer at the University of Idaho. I have always been interested in technology, video games, science and learning new things. I always believed in the saying “if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough” by Albert Einstein. I have a thirst for self discovery and learning new things about myself. Bringing joy or making others feel happy gives me a great pleasure. You can usually get me interested in an activity that has a more hands on approach. I will always try and strive to be the best person I can be.

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About Robert Prew

I am studying Electrical Engineer at the University of Idaho. I have always been interested in technology, video games, science and learning new things. I always believed in the saying “if you can't explain it simply you don't understand it well enough” by Albert Einstein. I have a thirst for self discovery and learning new things about myself. Bringing joy or making others feel happy gives me a great pleasure. You can usually get me interested in an activity that has a more hands on approach. I will always try and strive to be the best person I can be.

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