Instructables user muton92 has a project to use Openswan, an IPSec implementation for Linux, on ZYBO. Internet security protocols are a vital thing to know how to use to protect your data. This project will get you started on the path to that security.
To do this project, you will need a ZYBO, a router, and two LAN cables for connecting to the router. You’ll also need to have done the first tutorial about installing Xillinux on ZYBO.
Begin by installing Openswan. Then start the program and generate RSA keys for both hosts. You will have to type in a code on your computer’s terminal type to get IPSec public key. Use your configuration file, modifying it with your own values for IP and RSA keys. Make sure IPSec has started, then test your tunnel functionality.
With the importance of security, you should probably get started on using this tutorial! Let us know your thoughts by commenting below.
IPSec is really an important part of networking. I want to say that this is really a well-explained article in nature. The concept you are providing is really informative and easily understandable. I must say this is a well-penned article.