Fun With the Project Box

We all know how much of a hassle it can be to safely transport your electronics, and let’s face it, the protective cases that many of our boards previously came in were flimsy, unaccommodating,  and caused a great deal of stress for our customers. Well, we’ve responded to all of your feedback and I’m here to talk about our new Project Boxes!


So let’s check out how much better these project boxes are. First off, you can actually see what’s inside. This may not seem like that big of a deal, but I’ll come straight out and admit that there were a few of times in the past when I went to grab my Analog Discovery case to head out of the office for some projects, only to realize later that the Analog Discovery was not actually in the box. Well, that’s my fault right? I mean, how hard would it have been to just check the box?


The answer is hard. Very hard. Getting my Analog Discovery and the USB back into its proper place was traumatizing. I was terrified of damaging this expensive product  by just trying to close the case it came in! Imagine triumphing over the closure of an overstuffed suitcase, only to face the harsh realization that you accidentally packed your wallet deep inside and have to start all over. As dramatic as that may sound, I know many of you sympathize with this type of mental torture. Engaging in futile, Tetris-styled packing wars with inanimate objects meant for storage is not on my list of favorite activities.


Box & Stickers-600
The Project Box with its complimentary sticker sheet!


And what if I decided to buy the BNC Adapter board for the Analog Discovery — or any other board accessory for that matter? It certainly won’t fit inside of the original case. And that leaves a very real possibility of me losing or destroying the Adapter or accessory while traveling! That’s where the Project Box comes in.


Box In Use-600
Pack up all of your valuable electronic components!


Another fantastic feature are the front clasps that actually close the box completely and securely. I don’t have to worry about it jarring around in my backpack and letting loose the expensive hardware that I saved up for, subjecting it to the chaotic contents that I haphazardly packed that day. It’s also great for those pesky tiny electrical components that, I SWEAR, get up and run away if I don’t keep track of them. Or even that delicate, completed project that you’re preparing to show off in class – you can just gently pack it up and not worry about anything being damaged on the way there. This project box definitely gives me peace of mind. And I have to admit, I’m a sucker for stickers.



And if this product wasn’t already cool enough, Digilent went ahead and created a deal where the Project Box is reduced to half price when bundled with your order! You’ve heard my opinion, why not go try one out for yourself?



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7 Comments on “Fun With the Project Box”

  1. I think you should have shown Analog Discovery with BNC adapter and cables connected to it in the box; in addition to a populated bread board.


  2. People think I’m weird with my project box obsession. I have little containers all over my office that hold small to large projects with tiny components that I’d like to keep out of kitties’ mouths (my wife and I have two cats. They’re both chewers). There are lunchmeat containers, gelato bins, dishwasher tab buckets, you name it. I have a few ArtBins that hold components as well.

    Unfortunately, none of these items make my projects easily transportable because they are either too big (ArtBins) or they don’t clamp shut (the rest).

    I’m glad that you put clasps on your project boxes, they really do make a difference. I’ve tried transporting projects in deli containers in my messenger bag and it’s never gone very well. So, kudos for that seemingly simple but very important design addition.

    I may have to pick up one of these things soon. 🙂



  3. Thank you, Martha, for your time. I think the Project Box is not the perfect fit for the Analog Discovery. Thanks to your picture, I can see that it will work only for a non-BNC setup. For a college projects, we are required to use a BNC adapter, so we can have a 50 Ohm impedance. What I am personally afraid of is plugging in/out each time the BNC adapter. It feels, as if I am doing it too often, I can break some pins inside the Analog Discovery.
    However, I can see that the Project Box is perfect for … projects. 🙂 It looks like it can fit at list two 50X20 populated breadboards with spare space for jumper wires and other misc. electronic component.

  4. I am still using the cardboard box that came with the analog discovery and parts kit. As you said it is hard to put the cables back into its original box. Project box will be a nice addition.

  5. Here is an idea to improve your project box. Have short (perhaps 1″) grooves along all sides and back and front of the box, so that pressing two boxes together creates a larger box with two separate compartments. Now you can add boxes to left and right side, bottom and back. The grooves should be male-female so that the right side of a box connects exactly with the left side of another box. Now may I have my project box please?

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