The weather is turning colder and with the end of Daylight Savings time, darkness falls even earlier. (I know I’m not the only one making my way home in the dark now.) So what’s a body to do in these dark, cold months? Make this amazing 8x8x8 RGB LED cube by SuperTech-IT.
This Universal RGB cube can run animations and use the code popularized by Kevin Darrah and Nick Schulze, and Doug Domke provided a set of code to help you create your own animations. This Instructable has a lot of components, and there are several ways to do this. It is, however, based on the chipKIT Uno32 (or the Arduino UNO, depending on the code you decide to use).
One of the main focuses of this particular project is to limit the number of wires and connections that normally have to be made with a cube of this magnitude. It does so, but there are still 200 wires left to wrangle. Then, SuperTech-IT used a universal driver and baseboard to make this project easier, and this is now part of the kit sold on Then, add the parts to the board and connect the wires (a task made simpler by using an eliminator. Provide power to the board, and then assemble the cube itself. This is where the programming comes into play. Then, there are additional instructions for building the base if you care to read those as well.

Now, let this project be a light to you in dark places, when all other lights go out. Just remember your power supply.
Wow – I just came across this while looking for something else…LOL!
There is code now for the ChipKit uC32, ChipKit UNO32, Arduino MEGA, Arduino UNO, and most recently, the Raspberry Pi for my boards.
I may have to point a link to this later on the website!
Thanks for the kind words!
I am amazed this is still up
Amazing project using RGB LED cubes! PCB Assembly Vancouver Enthusiasts will find it easy to follow along thanks to the clear illustrations and thorough explanations. I like how both functionality and aesthetics are prioritized. Anticipating more creative endeavors such as these.