Choose from the following options:
- PCI-DAS08: PCI data acquisition (DAQ) board with eight analog inputs, 12-bit resolution, 40 kS/s sample rate, three 16-bit counters, four digital outputs and three digital inputs.
- Not recommended for new applications. Please consider the USB-200 Series instead.
- PCI-DAS6013: PCI-based 16-channel, 16-bit, 200 kS/s DAQ board with 8 digital I/O
- PCI-DAS6014: PCI-based 16-channel, 16-bit, 200 kS/s DAQ board with 8 digital I/O and two 16-bit analog outputs
- PCI-DAS6025: PCI-based 16-channel, 12-bit, 200 kS/s DAQ board with 32 digital I/O and two 12-bit analog outputs
- PCI-DAS6033: PCI-based 64-channel, 16-bit, 100 kS/s DAQ board with 8 digital I/O
- PCI-DAS6035: PCI-based 16-channel, 16-Bit, 200 kS/s DAQ board with 8 digital I/O and two 12-bit analog outputs
- PCI-DAS6070: PCI-based 16-channel, 12-bit, 1.25 MS/s DAQ board with 8 digital I/O and two 12-bit analog outputs
- PCI-DAS6402/16: PCI data acquisition (DAQ) board with 64 SE/32 DIFF analog inputs, 16-bit resolution, up to 200 kS/s sample rate, two 16-bit analog outputs, one 16-bit counter, and 32 digital I/O.
- PCI-DAC6703: PCI-based 16-channel, 16-bit analog output board
- PCIe-DIO96H: 96-channel, high-drive, 64 mA PCI Express (PCIe) digital I/O board.
- PCI-DIO96: PCI-based 96-channel logic-level digital I/O board
- PCI-DIO96H: PCI-based 96-channel, high-drive, 64 mA logic-level digital I/O board
- The above DIO96/H series are not recommended for new applications. Please consider the USB-DIO96H instead.
- PCIe-DIO24: 24-channel, PCI Express (PCIe) bus compatible digital I/O board.
- Not recommended for new applications. Please consider the USB-DIO24 Series instead.
- PCI-DIO24H/SIPSCKT:PCI board with 24 digital I/O with SIP sockets for pull-up/pull-down resistors. An 82C55 chip provides the 24 I/O lines on three 8-bit ports (A, B and C), C port can be divided into two 4-bit ports (C-HI and C-LO), DB37 port of 37 pins.
- PCI-DIO24: PCI-based 24-channel, logic-level digital I/O board.
- PCI-DIO24H: PCI-based 24-channel, high-drive, 64 mA logic-level digital I/O board.
- The above PCI-DIO24/H are not recommended for new applications. Please consider the USB-DIO24 Series instead.
- PCI-DIO48H: PCI-based 48-channel, high-drive, 64 mA logic-level digital I/O board.
- Not recommended for new applications. Please consider the USB-DIO96H instead.
- PCI-DDA02/12: PCI-based 2-channel, 12-bit analog output board with 48 digital I/O
- PCI-DDA08/12: PCI-based 8-channel, 12-bit analog output board with 48 digital I/O
- PCI-DDA08/16: PCI-based 8-channel, 16-bit analog output board with 48 digital I/O
- PCIM-DDA06/16: 6-channel, 16-bit PCI analog output board with 24 digital I/O (connector compatible with CIO-DDA06/16)
- The above PCI-DDA series are not recommended for new applications. Please consider the USB-3100 Series instead.
- PCIe-DAS1602/16: PCI Express data acquisition (DAQ) board with 16 SE/8 DIFF analog inputs, 16-bit resolution, up to 100 kS/s sample rate, two 12-bit analog outputs, three 16-bit counters, and 32 digital I/O.
- Not recommended for new applications. Please consider the USB-1608G Series instead.
- PCI-PDISO8: PCI-based 8-channel, high-voltage, high-drive digital I/O board
- Not recommended for new applications. Please consider the USB-ERB Series instead.
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