Frequently Asked Questions

We use FedEx because of reliability issues with other carriers but offer flat rate to help with the cost. Signature is required upon delivery due to the value of our products and for our customer’s protection. If you need to override the signature requirement, create an account with FedEx Delivery Manager to specify your delivery method.

If you need faster shipping, many of our products are available via Amazon Prime. If you are not located in the US, we have distributors worldwide that may have better shipping options for your location.

  1. Log into your store account.
  2. Under "My account", you will see Customer Group:
  3. All academically verified accounts will see “Academic” in the name.

Alternatively, if you would like to see if you are already verified, you can compare the prices that you see in academic pricing with our academic price list and determine whether or not they match.

Academic Verification validity is determined by your identified classification.

  • If you are a student your verification is valid for one year.
  • If you are an educator or faculty member, your verification is valid for five years.

No, we want to make it easy for you. You can download the pricelist here.

Please don’t. Many of our partnership agreements are designed to provide you discounts based on your own academic needs. We do monitor the purchasing activity on each account periodically, and may contact the account or even revoke discount status, for any unusual activity. Please contact our sales team through the notes fields of your order or the messages in your account page, if you think your order may raise questions, or if you wish to submit large orders using academic verification.

We use the academic verification information to target services, products, and options for the academic sector. If you have any concerns, we suggest you visit our terms page, which includes in-depth legal information, or begin a conversation with us on our Academic Forums.

Yes, we understand that there may be exceptions. Please select "Other" and provide a detailed explanation of who you are and why you need to be approved for verification.

Digilent works with key technology partners each year to negotiate additional discounts for you. We suggest you use non-academic pricing or obtain a formal quote through our sales team by emailing [email protected], when writing grant applications.

You must be a current student, instructor, professor, or researcher at an academic institution to qualify for academic pricing, and you must use the product for academic purposes.

You must first create a store account on Digilent's website and submit your academic credentials by following the process on our academic verification page. During the verification process, you must sign in using the email that you used to create your store account on Digilent's website. You will receive an email regarding confirmation of your status once the verification process is complete.

Yes, we currently offer this benefit in the United States and Canada. Please contact your local distributor for other region requests. Here’s how:

If you have been verified already, we offer the ability to request certain evaluation hardware. We prefer to offer evaluation units for current products for courses that are aligned with and how our hardware is designed. Limited time or retired products do not apply. Our product management and sales team will review your request and will contact you. Access the request form here.

We will need to evaluate your request manually to determine if you can get academic pricing. In our Academic Verification Form there is an "Other" category. Please fill this section out, providing as much information as possible. In the past, we have approved academic pricing for skill development companies, educational service companies and training providers.

You will need to contact our Sales Team, which can be done by filling out and submitting the form here. You will need to provide a copy of your tax exempt certificate and they will guide you through the ordering process as a reseller/distributor.