Sales & Order Support

Common Support Questions

  1. How can I get technical support?

    For technical questions please visit our Forum to get help from an engineer.

  2. Where can I find support materials?

    Digilent Reference contains Resource Centers for all of our products, including tutorials, example projects, and documentation.

  3. What are your shipping terms?

    Visit the Shipping & Returns page for complete details.

  4. What's the status of my order?

    Visit your account page for updated order information.

  5. How can I get approved for academic pricing?

    Visit our Academic Verification site to submit an application.

  6. Still have a question that hasn't been answered?

    Visit our FAQ page for a more comprehensive list.

For sales inquiries, such as getting a quote or placing a PO, initiating returns, or for any other questions, connect with us using the form below.