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This page has been moved, the new location is Wi-FIRE.

Wi-FIRE Resource Center

Wi-FIRE Rev. D

Welcome to the resource center for the Wi-FIRE!

Here you will find all the reference materials that Digilent has created for this board, as well as links to any external content we have tracked down. If you are interested in purchasing the Wi-FIRE , visit the product page on our main website: Wi-FIRE

Building on the previous successes with the chipKIT™ WF32, the Wi-FIRE uses the same, 43 available I/O Pins, 12 Analog Inputs, 3.3 Operating voltage, 4 User LEDs, potentiometer, buttons, uses MRF24 on-board wireless module, micro SD Card, dedicated SPI Signals and high efficiency switching 3.3V switching power supply for low-power operation.

The Wi-FIRE is significantly faster than its WF32 counterpart, with 200MHz operation speed, 2MB of Flash, 512kB RAM, High Speed USB and a 50MHz SPI. The PIC32MZ core includes the MIPS MicroAptiv CPU Core from Imagination Technologies. microAptiv is a highly efficient, compact, core that is optimized for cloud-connected based projects, using Imagination Technologies’ FlowCloud software.

Revision History

You can find the revision of your board by looking on the underside, near the white bar-coded box.

We are currently on Rev. C of the Wi-FIRE. Revision D will be begin shipping July 1st.


Previous versions can be found here: Rev. B

Revision D updated the board to include a JTAG debugger header. Revision C updated the silicon (previously Pre-Production) to Production Silicon.


Design Resources
