Analog Discovery Studio Features
- Triggering: edge, pulse, transition, hysteresis, and many others
- Cross-triggering with Logic Analyzer, Waveform Generator, Pattern Generator, or external trigger
- Sampling modes: average, decimate, min/max
- Mixed signal visualization (analog and digital signals share same view pane)
- Real-time views: FFTs, XY plots, histograms, spectrograms, and others
- Multiple math channels with complex functions
- Cursors with advanced data measurements
- Captured data files can be exported in standard formats
- Scope configurations can be saved, exported, and imported
Waveform Generator
- Standard waveforms: sine, triangle, sawtooth, noise, and many others
- Advanced waveforms: Sweeps, AM, FM
- User-defined arbitrary waveforms: defined within WaveForms software user interface or using standard tools (e.g. Excel)
Power Supplies
- Variety of different fixed voltage power supply rails (+12V, -12V, 5V, 3.3V)
- Programmable power supply rails (1V…5V or -1V…-5V)
- Measurements: DC, AC RMS, True RMS
Data Logger
- Measurements: DC, AC RMS, True RMS, with Averages, Minimums, and Maximums
- Up to 24 hours of data logged at a 1Hz sample rate
- Scriptable conversion functions
Logic Analyzer
- Multiple trigger options including pin change, bus pattern, and many others
- Cross-triggering between Analog input channels, Logic Analyzer, Pattern Generator, or external trigger
- Interpreter for SPI, I2C, UART, CAN, I2S, 1-Wire, parallel buses
- Scripted custom protocols
- Data file import/export using standard formats
Digital Pattern Generator
- Customized visualization for signals and buses
- User defined patterns: Truth-table based ROM logic
- Data file import/export using standard formats
Digital I/O
- Virtual I/O devices (LEDs, buttons, switches & displays)
- Customized visualization options available
Spectrum Analyzer
- Power spectrum algorithms: FFT, CZT
- Frequency range modes: center/span, start/stop
- Frequency scales: linear, logarithmic
- Vertical axis options: voltage-peak, voltage-RMS, dBV, and dBu
- Windowing: options: rectangular, triangular, hamming, cosine, and many others
- Cursors and automatic measurements: noise floor, SFDR, SNR, THD and many others
- Data file import/export using standard formats
Network Analyzer
- Available diagrams: Bode, Nichols, Nyquist, and FFTs
- Settable input amplitude and offset
- Analog input records response at each frequency
Impedance Analyzer
- Chart views for Voltage, Current, Impedance, Admittance, Capacitance, and others
- Alternative simple Meter view
- Selectable external compensation circuit
- Data file export using standard formats
Protocol Analyzer
- Supports UART, SPI, I2C, and CAN protocols
- Scriptable transaction sequences for SPI and I2C
- Configurable data rates, modes, and others
- Send/receive directly from/to data files
WaveForms Script Editor
- Available within the WaveForms application
- Simultaneous control of all instruments through JavaScript
- Automatable GUI actions
- Custom data analysis and manipulation functions
WaveForms Software Development Kit (SDK)
- Downloaded via the WaveForms installer, used independently of the WaveForms application
- Languages supported: C/C++, C#, MATLAB, Python, Visual Basic
- Provides control of hardware channels and virtual instruments to custom applications
- Breadboard Canvas
- Large breadboard surface. Two regular sized breadboards and three power rails
- Power supply rails exposed via breadboard pins. Supply rails can be switched on and off via switches
- User I/O devices (LEDs, buttons, switches) exposed via breadboard pins
- Blank Canvas
- Large prototyping surface, wired like a breadboard
- Power supply rails exposed
- Breakouts for a wide variety of surface mount components
Other Features
- All necessary cables included
- Optional BNC cables available
- High-speed USB2 interface for fast data transfer
- Waveform Generator output played on audio jack
- USB A port available for powering connected components
- Trigger in/trigger out allows multiple instruments to be linked
- Cross triggering between instruments
- Help screens, including contextual help
- Instruments and workspaces can be individually configured; Instrument configurations can be exported
- Device drivers available for NI LabVIEW and MATLAB