TAG: project
- Adding Knobs Using LabVIEW
- AM Signal Demodulation and Playback
- Analyzing DAC, ADC, and SPI Data with the Analog Discovery Studio
- Arty General I/O Demo
- Arty S7-50 Pmod GPS Demo
- Arty XADC Demo
- Arty Z7 HDMI In Demo
- Arty Z7 HDMI Out Demo
- Arty Z7 XADC Demo
- Arty Z7-10 Out-of-Box Demo
- Arty Z7-20 Out-of-Box Demo
- Automated Testing in Linux Mode with the Analog Discovery Pro (ADP3450/ADP3250)
- Basys MX3 Library Pack
- Cmod A7 Stopwatch Demo
- Controlling Digital Discovery With WaveForms SDK And LabVIEW (Legacy)
- Counter and Clock Divider
- Decoding a Manchester Encoded Signal
- Decoding VGA Signals With a Portable Logic Analyzer
- Displaying Joystick Position
- DIY ECG with Analog Discovery Studio and LabVIEW
- Eclypse Z7 Digital Low Pass Filter Demo
- Eclypse Z7 Low Level Zmod ADC DAC Demo
- Eclypse Z7 Low-Level Low-Pass Filter Demo
- Genesys 2 DMA Audio Demo
- Genesys 2 HDMI Demo
- Genesys 2 Keyboard Demo
- Genesys 2 OLED Demo
- Genesys ZU Hello World Demo
- Genesys ZU-5EV HDMI Demo
- I2C Protocol Viewer
- Measuring a Toaster's Power Consumption with the Digilent OpenLogger (Hackster Project)
- Nexys 4 Abacus Demo
- Nexys 4 DDR Advanced I/O Demo ( Built-In Self-Test)
- Nexys 4 DDR GPIO Demo
- Nexys 4 DDR Keyboard Demo
- Nexys 4 DDR XADC Demo
- Nexys 4 GPIO Demo
- Nexys 4 Out of Box Demo
- Nexys 4 XADC Demo
- Nexys A7-100T Microblaze DMA Audio Demo
- Nexys A7-50T Microblaze DMA Audio Demo
- Nexys Video DMA Audio Demo
- Nexys Video GPIO
- Nexys Video HDMI Demo
- Nexys Video Keyboard Demo
- Nexys Video XADC Demo
- Pmod I2S2 FPGA Volume Control Demo
- Pmod MIC3 Audio Streaming/Recording
- RC Low-Pass Filter Model vs Real Behavior
- Remotely Controlled Microcontroller from a Browser (Hackster Project)
- SPI Protocol Viewer
- Switch Controlled LEDs
- Transistor I-V Curve Tracing
- USB104 A7 DSPI Demo
- USB104 A7 Zmod AWG 1411 Demo
- USB104 A7 Zmod Scope 1410 Demo
- Use Flip-flops to Build a Clock Divider
- Using a Python Script to Interface the Digital Discovery with an I2C Device
- Using a Script to Output Keypad Data to Console
- Using Jupyter Notebooks with WaveForms SDK
- Using the Analog Discovery 2 to Debug Different Motor Controllers
- Using the Analog Discovery 2 to Measure Harmonics in a Signal
- Using the Digital Discovery to look at Zynq boot sequence
- Using the Digital Discovery to Simulate an HD44780 Display
- Using the High Speed Adapter with the Digital Discovery
- VGA Display Controller
- Wireless FPGA Debugger and System Monitor (Hackster Project)
- Zedboard DMA Audio Demo
- ZedBoard FMC Pcam Adapter One to Four Camera Demo
- ZedBoard FMC Pcam Adapter Two Camera Demo
- Zedboard OLED Demo
- Zybo DMA Audio Demo
- Zybo HDMI Input Demo
- Zybo HDMI Output Demo
- Zybo XADC Demo
- Zybo Z7 Pcam 5C Demo
- Zybo Z7 Petalinux Demo