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Pmod JSTK Reference Manual
39 Hits, Last modified:
====== Pmod JSTK Reference Manual ====== <WRAP round info 650px> ===Note=== The Pmod JSTK stock is retired and no longer available for... n-compatible version: [[| Pmod JSTK2]]. </WRAP> The Pmod JSTK (Revision C) is designed to be a versati
24 Hits, Last modified:
~~NOTOC~~ ====== Pmod JSTK ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support ... | Title = Pmod JSTK | Subtitle = 2-axis Joystick | Header = Feat... Bullet = Two user indicator LEDs | Bullet = 6-pin Pmod connector with SPI interface | Bullet = Follows the Digilent {{/reference/pmod/digilent-pmod-interface-specification.pdf |Pmod I