SDSoC Platforms (Legacy)
The SDSoC™ development environment provides a familiar embedded C/C++/OpenCL application development experience including an easy to use Eclipse IDE and a comprehensive design environment for heterogeneous Zynq® All Programmable SoC and MPSoC deployment. Complete with the industry's first C/C++/OpenCL full-system optimizing compiler, SDSoC delivers system level profiling, automated software acceleration in programmable logic, automated system connectivity generation, and libraries to speed programming. It also enables end user and third party platform developers to rapidly define, integrate, and verify system level solutions and enable their end customers with a customized programming environment.
Digilent is an SDSoC development environment-qualified Xilinx Alliance Member and offers custom platforms here for our Zynq based boards.
These platforms provide Digilent boards with basic SDSoC functionality similar to the platforms that Xilinx includes bundled with the tool. They are a great starting point for those interested in learning SDSoC and/or HLS, and come bundled with an entry-level set of demos and an easy to follow README. After running through the samples, checkout documentation available from Xilinx to take the next steps and learn how to start accelerating your own programs (linked below). Also, the platform source is provided with complete documentation so that it can be modified and rebuilt as needed.
Note those platforms marked legacy may have limited documentation, samples, and OS support.
Those interested in SDSoC for video processing should checkout the reVISION platforms below.
Board | Processor | SDSoc Versions | OS support | Included Sample Programs | PL Device Support | Platform Download | Platform Source |
Arty Z7-20 | Zynq-7000 | 2016.4 (legacy) | standalone freertos | None | -HDMI Out -BTNs, LEDs, and SWs -Analog Input -Shield GPIO, I2C, and SPI | Legacy Release | Github |
Zybo Z7-20 | Zynq-7000 | 2017.4 | standalone freertos linux | -Matrix Multiply and Addition -Color Space Conversion -FIR Filter | -HDMI In -HDMI Out -BTNs, LEDs, and SWs -Analog Input | Release | Github |
ZYBO | Zynq-7000 | 2015.4 (legacy) | standalone linux | -Video I/O w/ sobel filter -Array copy w/ LED status | -HDMI In -VGA out -BTNs,LEDs, and SWs | Legacy Release | Github |
reVISION Platforms
Leading system developers are using All Programmable Devices in next generation vision guided machine learning systems. To accelerate productivity, Xilinx has created the reVISION Zone to aggregate useful resources for software, hardware and system developers.
Digilent provides reVISION capable SDSoC platforms so that customers can take advantage of Xilinx's powerful computer vision libraries and demos. These platforms are specifically targeted to make video processing applications approachable, and include things like pre-configured HDMI pipelines with Linux software support, the standard openCV libraries, and Xilinx's hardware accelerated port of openCV, xfopencv. xfopencv is the most important part of a reVISION platform, so Digilent includes a good set of samples that demonstrate how it can be used to operate on image files and even live video streams. To get started, download the platform for your board and follow the included README to get up and running with the included sample programs. Then checkout the Xilinx openCV User Guide along with the rest of the SDSoC documentation (both linked below) to learn to start writing your own video processing programs. Also, the platform source is provided with complete documentation so that it can be modified and rebuilt as needed.
Board | Processor | SDSoc Versions | OS support | Included File I/O Samples | Included Live I/O Samples | PL Device Support | Platform Download | Platform Source |
Zybo Z7-20 | Zynq-7000 | 2017.4 2017.2 | linux | -Bilateral filter -Harris corner detection -Optical flow -Stereo depth detection -Warp transformation | -Filter2d convolution | -Pcam 5C -HDMI In -HDMI Out -BTNs, LEDs, and SWs -Analog Input | Release | Github |