Nexys 4 (Legacy)
- Programmable over JTAG and Quad-SPI Flash
- On-chip analog-to-digital converter
8 flip-flops each)
5V (2.5mm coaxial) supply
The Nexys 4 has been retired and is no longer for sale in our store. We recommend migration to the Nexys A7.
The Nexys 4 board is a complete, ready-to-use digital circuit development platform based on the latest Artix-7™ Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) from Xilinx. With its large, high-capacity FPGA (Xilinx part number XC7A100T-1CSG324C), generous external memories, and collection of USB, Ethernet, and other ports, the Nexys 4 can host designs ranging from introductory combinational circuits to powerful embedded processors. Several built-in peripherals, including an accelerometer, temperature sensor, MEMs digital microphone, a speaker amplifier, and a lot of I/O devices allow the Nexys 4 to be used for a wide range of designs without needing any other components.
- Master XDC Files
- Nexys 4 DDR Migration Guide
- Nexys 4 Reference Manual
- Nexys 4 Schematic
- Xilinx 7 Series FPGAs Overview
- Getting Started with FPGA
- Getting Started with Vivado IP Integrator and Xilinx SDK
- Installing Vivado, Xilinx SDK, and Digilent Board Files
- Nexys 4 - Getting Started with Microblaze Servers
- Nexys 4 VGA Test Pattern with Mouse Overlay
- Programming Digilent FPGA Boards Through Multisim
Example Projects
- Counter and Clock Divider
- Nexys 4 Abacus Demo
- Nexys 4 GPIO Demo
- Nexys 4 Out of Box Demo
- Nexys 4 XADC Demo
- Switch Controlled LEDs
- Use Flip-flops to Build a Clock Divider
- VGA Display Controller