Guides for Xilinx Tools
- Walks through installing Vivado and Vitis, the development environments used to create hardware and software applications targeting Digilent FPGA development boards.
- Walks through using Vivado and Vitis to create a design in hardware and software that uses a processor to control buttons and LEDs.
- Walks through using Vivado to create a simple design that blinks a single LED.
- Walks through setting up support for a Pmod or Zmod in Vivado using a Hierarchical Block - a subsystem of IPs within a block design.
- Walks through setting up Xilinx's LWIP Echo Server example with your Zynq SoC development board.
- Under Construction
- Walks through creating a design in hardware and software that supports a Pmod IP. A full list of supported Pmods can be found within.