Eclypse Z7

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Eclypse Z7
Zynq-7000 SoC Development Board with SYZYGY-compatible Expansion
Zmod Scope
Zmod Digitizer
Zmod SDR
Zmod AWG
  • Full support for Vivado, including tool integration, example projects and tutorials
  • Out-of-the-box Petalinux support, including example projects and tutorials
  • 667MHz dual-core Cortex-A9 processor with tightly integrated Xilinx FPGA
  • 2 SYZYGY Standard Interfaces for high-speed data transfer in modular systems
  • 2 Pmod connectors for additional system modularity
  • 1 GB DDR3L with 32-bit bus @ 1066 MT/s
  • USB and Ethernet connectivity
  • Programmable from JTAG, Quad-SPI flash, and microSD card
Key FPGA Specifications
Part Number
Logic Slices
6-Input LUTs
Block RAM
630 kB
DSP Slices
Clock Resources
Zynq PLL with 4 outputs
4 PLLs
125 MHz external clock
Internal ADC
Dual-channel, 1 MSPS
SYZYGY Connectors
Two SYZYGY Standard Interfaces
Pmod Connectors
Two Pmod Ports
10/100/1000 Mbps with Realtek PHY
USB-JTAG programmer
USB micro-AB Host/Device/OTG port
1024 MB / 1066 MT/s
QSPI Flash
16 MB
microSD card connector
On-board I/O
Tri-Color LEDs
Power Inputs
12V 5A (barrel jack) supply
Pmod Connectors
3.3V logic standard, 5V tolerant
SYZYGY Connectors
1.2V to 3.3V, 2A budget shared by both connectors
Automatically negotiated on board bring-up
Managed by Eclypse Platform MCU
99 mm (3.9 in)
160 mm (6.3 in)
Product Compliance

The Eclypse Z7 is a powerful prototyping platform, featuring Xilinx's Zynq-7000 APSoC. A SYZYGY™ 1) compatible carrier board, it features two SYZYGY™ interface connectors, enabling high speed modular systems.

Eclypse is designed to enable high speed analog data capture and analysis. It is a platform for research and rapid prototyping of test and measurement applications, potentially including software-defined radio, ultrasound, other medical devices, and much more. As a host board for Zmods, applications for the Eclypse can vary significantly between system configurations.

This page is the resource center for the Eclypse Z7, where you will find all of Digilent’s support materials and documentation for the Eclypse, including fully open and customizable hardware designs, baremetal software examples, and Linux images.

Getting Started



  • The Eclypse Z7 is compatible with modules that conform to Digilent's Pmod™ Specification, including Digilent's line of Pmods.

Development Environments

Important: Make sure that you install the version of Vivado required by demo materials you want to use.

Vivado and Vitis
  • Petalinux is a tool created by Xilinx, used for the creation and modification of Linux images for Xilinx chips, including the Zynq-7000.
    Xilinx's Petalinux Tools Reference Guide (UG1144) covers installation and usage of Petalinux. Chapter 2 discusses the installation process.
    Note: For Windows users, Digilent recommends the use of either a dual-boot Linux setup or virtual machine that fits the requirements specified in UG1144, linked above.

Note: Xilinx software tools are not available for download in some countries. Prior to purchasing the Eclypse Z7, please check the supporting software's availability, as it is required for the board's use.

Example Projects for Xilinx Tools

  • Using the Zmod Scope 1410-105 with the Zmod Library and Eclypse Z7 is a software demo (Baremetal and PetaLinux) that captures data from the ADC and writes it out to a file (in PetaLinux) and standard out. This demo uses the Zmod Library and the initial release of the Zmod IPs. Zmod Scope variants other than the 1410-105 are not supported.
  • Eclypse Z7 Low-Level Low-Pass Filter Demo is a hardware-only demo that captures data from a Zmod Scope, passes it through a FIR filter in the Zynq PL, and outputs it through a Zmod AWG. The latest release of the Zmod IPs is used, and all variants of the Zmod Scope are supported.
  • The Eclypse Z7 Out-of-Box Demo is programmed into flash memory during manufacturing of the Eclypse. Baremetal software is used to cycle the RGB LEDs and report button states over UART.

Additional Tutorials and Guides for the Eclypse Platform

Vivado Support for Zmods

As of the time of writing, two different versions of the Zmod IPs used to provide a hardware interface from the Zynq PL to the Zmods exist. These two versions have different pros and cons. In short, at the time of writing, the latest release supports all of the variants of the Zmod Scope but does not yet support Petalinux or Baremetal software projects, while the initial release fully supports software, but does not support variants of the Zmod Scope other than the 1410-105.

Latest Release

The Zmod AWG 1411 Controller and Zmod Scope Controller make up the second release of the low-level controller IP. No compatible software libraries are available at the time of writing. The Zmod Digitizer is supported by the Zmod Digitizer Controller IP. The Zmod SDR is supported by the Zmod SDR Controller IP.

For a hardware-only project demonstrating their use, see the Eclypse Z7 Low-Level Low-Pass Filter Demo.

Initial Release

Zmod AWG

The initial release of demos for the Eclypse and Zmod AWG used the Zmod Library to control the Zmod AWG through the Zmod DAC 1411 AXI Adapter and Zmod DAC 1411 Low Level Controller IPs.

Using the Zmod AWG with the Zmod Library and Eclypse Z7 is a software demo (Baremetal and PetaLinux) that outputs a ramp waveform through one of the channels of the Zmod AWG. This demo uses the Zmod Library and the initial release of the Zmod IPs.

Zmod Scope

The initial release of demos for the Eclypse and Zmod Scope used the Zmod Library to control the Zmod Scope through the Zmod ADC1410 AXI Adapter and Zmod ADC 1410 Low Level Controller IPs. These IPs are only compatible with the Zmod Scope 1410-105 (formerly the Zmod ADC 1410).

Using the Zmod Scope 1410-105 with the Zmod Library and Eclypse Z7 is a software demo (Baremetal and PetaLinux) that performs an immediate capture of 10 μs of data from channel one of the Zmod Scope and writes it to standard out and (in Linux) a file. This demo uses the Zmod Library and the initial release of the Zmod IPs.

Additional Resources

    • VAXEL-EZ boosts the productivity of algorithm verification processes on Digilent FPGA boards. The package includes a set of utility software that runs on Windows to facilitate tasks ranging from automation of FPGA synthesis to execution of tests. With VAXEL-EZ, no FPGA expertise is needed to take full advantage of the Digilent FPGA boards.
The “SYZYGY™ ” mark is owned by Opal Kelly.