Table of Contents

Vivado Library


Vivado Library is, as its name states, a library that contains free-to-use IP cores and interface definitions compatible with Xilinx Vivado IP Catalog.

Due to the fact that it's a library constantly updating and changing, adding new IPs or features, it is recommended to periodically check the Github repository's releases page to find the latest release. Alternatively, you can download the latest set of sources here:

This GitHub repository contains a large number of IP cores intended for use with Digilent boards, including all of Digilent's Pmod IP cores and Pmod interface descriptions.

Installation Guide

Steps for including the Vivado Library in your projects:

Download the vivado-library-<version>.zip file (NOT one of the source code archives!), then extract this archive in a location to remember.

Click Project Settings under Project Manager.

Click IP then open the Repository Manager tab. Click the Add button and select the vivado-library folder from where the ZIP archive was extracted to. Click OK.

