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Arty XADC Demo



This simple XADC Demo project demonstrates a simple usage of ARTY's XADC pin capability. The behavior is as follows:

Features Used

Not Used Used
4 User Switches X
4 User LEDs X
4 User RGB LEDSs X
4 User Push Buttons X
4 Pmod Connectors X
XADC Analog Input X
Serial Flash for Application Data X





Arty XADC Project Repository – ZIP Archive GIT Repo

Download and Launch the Arty XADC Demo

Follow the Using Digilent Github Demo Projects Tutorial. This is an HDL design project, and as such does not support Vivado SDK, select the tutorial options appropriate for a Vivado-only design. Your circuit to be measured does not need to be connected to the Arty before programming, so you do not need to return to this guide until you finish the tutorial.

Using the Arty XADC Demo

1) Applying a voltage to the XADC port

For this demo, A0-A5 are single ended analog pins while A6-A7, A8-A9, and A10-A11 are differential ports.


Voltages to be measured should only be in the range of 0 to 1 Volt.

2) LEDs

The LEDs turn on from right to left then wrap around the bottom as the input voltage increases.

3) Selecting a channel

To display a different channel on the display and LEDs, change the user switches to the desired channel, as seen in the table below.
Channel Pin/s SW0 SW1 SW2 SW3
A0 Down Down Down Down
A1 Up Down Down Down
A2 Down Up Down Down
A3 Up Up Down Down
A4 Down Down Up Down
A5 Up Down Up Down
A6-A7 Down Up Up Down
A8-A9 Up Up Up Down
A10-A11 Down Down Down Up