~~NOTOC~~ ====== Universal Library for Linux® ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Support = https://forum.digilent.com/forum/39-measurement-computing-mcc/ | Manual = https://github.com/mccdaq/uldaq | Manual Name = Download from GitHub | Title = Universal Library for Linux® | Subtitle = Linux® and macOS® Support | Header = Features | Bullet = Includes an interface to the library in Python™ as well as C/C++® | Bullet = UL for Linux is open-source, with the source code and examples available on GitHub }} The Universal Library API for Linux is an MCC developed and tested library that supports our most popular devices. ---- ===== Documentation ===== * [[https://files.digilent.com/manuals/UL-Linux/c/index.html |UL for Linux C Help]] * [[https://files.digilent.com/manuals/UL-Linux/python/index.html |UL for Linux Python Help]] * [[https://files.digilent.com/manuals/Linux-hw.pdf |Supported MCC Hardware]] ---- ===== Additional Resources ===== * [[https://digilent.com/reference/software/linux-support-for-mccdaq/start |Third-Party Linux Support]] ---- ===== Q&A ===== --> Does this library support DT9834? # > No, the DT9834 is not supported in UL for Linux. The only Data Translation products supported are the DT9837A/B/C. <-- --> May I ask if there are any plans to include USB-2404-UI in the Linux UI? # > At this time, there are currently no plans to add Linux support for the USB-2404-UI. <-- --> USB 1808 # I am using Raspberry Pi to acquire data from USB 1808 device. I am using 3 AI channels. I want to get data continuously and save it in background. But i am not able to manupulate buffer so that I may not loose data or take same data twice.I want to do this in Background so that I can do data Analysis in realtime. I am using python along with UL Linux. Any Support will be appericiated. I Need to do this as part of my Thesis work. waiting for support. > The a_in_scan.py example demonstrates 4 channels sampled into a circular buffer that holds 10 seconds of data. This circular buffer will "roll over" (begin to be overwritten) every 10 seconds. The UL for Linux will fill this buffer forever, and if it (or the DAQ hardware) falls behind, it will throw an error. The example program demonstrates checking the status about every 100 mS, though each time copying out just the 4 newest samples (one per channel). Your responsibility is to copy the data out of the buffer before it gets overwritten. Our driver cannot detect if you have copied the data out, or not, or twice. A good strategy is to copy out a fixed percentage of the buffer (say exactly half). Once you are done with your data analysis on that half, immediately check the status of the scan to see if the index has advanced by more than the amount you copy each time. If it did, then you have fallen too far behind. <-- --> What is the benefit of this set of drivers over the drivers written by Dr. Jasper? # > The UL for Linux offers a higher-level API similar to our Windows UL, includes both Python and C support, with current and planned support for our most popular hardware models. Dr. Jasper’s C drivers are closer to register level, and support a wider breadth of MCC hardware. <-- {{tag>universal-library ul-for-linux mcc-daq start resource-center software}}