~~NOTOC~~ ====== Arty A7 ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Store Page = https://digilent.com/shop/arty-a7-artix-7-fpga-development-board/ | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support = https://forum.digilent.com/forum/4-fpga/ | Title = Arty A7 | Subtitle = Artix-7 FPGA Development Board | Header = Features | Bullet = Programmable over JTAG and Quad-SPI Flash | Bullet = On-chip analog-to-digital converter | Header = Key Specifications | FPGA Part # = XC7A35TICSG324-1L (XC7A100TCSG324-1*) | Logic Slices = 5,200 (15,850*) | Block RAM = 1,800 Kbits (4,860* Kbits) | DSP Slices = 90 (240*) | DDR3 = 256 MB @ 333 MHz (667 MT/s) | Internal clock = 450 MHz+ | Quad-SPI Flash = 16 MB | Ethernet = 10/100 Mbps | Bullet = (*A7-100 variant value in parentheses where different) | Header = Connectivity and Onboard I/O | Pmod Connectors = 4 | Shield Connector = Arduino / chipKIT compatible | Switches = 4 | Buttons = 4 | Reset LED = 1 | User LED = 4 | User RGB LED = 4 | Header = Electrical | Power = USB \\ 7-15v (2.5mm coaxial) supply | Logic Level = 3.3v | Header = Physical | Width = 3.4 in | Length = 4.3 in | Header = Design Resources | Mechanical Drawing = {{:reference:programmable-logic:arty-a7:arty_a7.zip|DXF }} | Header = Product Compliance | HTC = 8471500150 | ECCN = EAR99 }} {{page>reference-manual}} \\ \\ ===== Documentation===== * [[/programmable-logic/arty-a7/reference-manual]] * [[/learn/programmable-logic/doc/github/digilent-xdc]] * [[/learn/programmable-logic/doc/datasheets/7-series-fpgas-overview]] * [[/learn/programmable-logic/doc/datasheets/artix-7-datasheet]] * {{/programmable-logic/arty-a7/arty-a7-e2-sch.pdf|Arty A7 Revision E.2 Schematic}} * {{reference/programmable-logic/arty-a7/arty_a7_sch.pdf|Arty A7 Revision E.0 Schematic}} * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/programmable-logic/documents/S25FL127S_PCN.pdf|Product Change Notice - Flash Memory}} **Note:** //Xilinx software tools are not available for download in some countries. Prior to purchasing the Arty A7, please check the supporting software's availability, as it is required for the board's use.// ---- ===== Tutorials ===== * [[programmable-logic:guides:installing-vivado-and-vitis]] * Walks through installing Vivado and Vitis, the development environments used to create hardware and software applications targeting Digilent FPGA development boards. * [[programmable-logic:guides:getting-started-with-ipi]] * Walks through using Vivado and Vitis to create a design in hardware and software that uses a processor to control buttons and LEDs. * [[programmable-logic:guides:getting-started-with-vivado]] * Walks through using Vivado to create a simple design that blinks a single LED. * [[learn/programmable-logic/tutorials/pmod-ips/start]] * Digilent Pmod IPs can be used to control connected Pmods from baremetal software. * It should be noted that not all Pmods are supported and that Pmod IPs are only supported in versions of Vivado 2019.1 and older. * [[programmable-logic/arty-a7/arty_a7_100_risc_v/start]] * [[https://forum.digilent.com/topic/27389-arty-a7-microblaze-ddr3-tutorial/]] * The user Viktor Nikolov posted a tutorial on the Digilent Forum showing an alternate architecture for clocking the DDR interface for Digilent boards when using MicroBlaze. It works around several errors that may occur in other guides linked here. ---- ===== Example Projects ===== === Demos Supporting Vivado 2022.1=== * [[./demos/gpio]] * [[./demos/xadc]] * [[./demos/pmod-vga]] === Other Demos === * [[/pmod/pmodi2s2/fpga-demo]] ---- ===== Community Projects ===== * The Hex Five X300 RISC-V SoC (found in Hex Five's [[https://github.com/hex-five/multizone-fpga|multizone-fpga]] GitHub repository) is a soft-core RISC-V processor compatible with both the Arty A7-100T and Arty A7-35T. * //Hackster Project//: [[https://projects.digilent.com/adam-taylor/arm-designstart-fpga-cortex-m1-environmental-monitor-fe4a69|Arm DesignStart FPGA Cortex-M1 Environmental Monitor]] * Created by Adam Taylor. * Contains instructions for using the ARM Cortex-M1 with the Arty S7. * **Note**: //While this project was created for the Arty S7, ARM's DesignStart FPGA materials also contain base projects for working with the Arty A7.// * **Note**: //Working with DesignStart FPGA requires a license. A free 90-day trial license can be obtained, as described in the guide.// * //Hackster Project//: [[https://projects.digilent.com/adam-taylor/arm-designstart-fpga-cortex-m3-based-robot-106bca|Arm DesignStart FPGA Cortex-M3-Based Robot]] * Created by Adam Taylor. * Contains instructions for using the ARM Cortex-M3 with the Arty S7. * **Note**: //While this project was created for the Arty S7, ARM's DesignStart FPGA materials also contain base projects for working with the Arty A7.// * **Note**: //Working with DesignStart FPGA requires a license. A free 90-day trial license can be obtained, as described in the guide.// * Digilent Forum user jmw created a Microblaze port of the [[https://github.com/jmwilson/Adafruit-GFX-Library_MicroBlaze|Adafruit GFX]] and [[https://github.com/jmwilson/Adafruit_SSD1306_MicroBlaze|Adafruit SSD1306]] libraries for the Arty, which likely can be made compatible with the Pmod OLED. The original Forum thread is available [[https://forum.digilent.com/topic/3407-adafruit-ssd1306-library-on-microblaze/|here]]. /* * [[https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Xcell-Daily-Blog-Archived/Adam-Taylor-s-MicroZed-Chronicles-Part-221-How-to-boot-a/ba-p/802317|How to boot a MicroBlaze soft processor from non-volatile memory ]] */ * Arty A7 100T project using the Pmod ACL2, Pmod CLS, and Pmod 7SD created by user Tim S. on the Digilent Forum [[https://forum.digilent.com/topic/20397-muxssd-driver-for-the-pmod-ssd/|Forum thread]] * Arty A7 100T project using the Pmod SF3 and Pmod CLS created by user Tim S. on the Digilent Forum [[https://forum.digilent.com/topic/20419-spi-memory-tester-ipi-bd-and-vhdl/|Forum thread]] /* {{Digilent Hackster | product = "arty-a7" }} */ ---- ===== Additional Resources ===== * [[:learn:programmable-logic:tutorials:arty-getting-started-with-microblaze-servers:|Arty Getting Started with Microblaze Servers]] * [[:learn:programmable-logic:tutorials:arty-programming-guide:|Arty Programming Guide]] * [[:learn:programmable-logic:tutorials:arty-base-system-design:|Arty Base System Design with Programmable RGB LEDs]] * [[:learn:programmable-logic:tutorials:htsspisf:|How to Store a Vivado SDK Project in SPI Flash]] * [[:learn:programmable-logic:tutorials:program_fpgas_through_multisim:|Programming FPGAs through Multisim]] * [[https://www.xilinx.com/support/university/workshops.html|Xilinx Vivado Workshop materials]] * [[https://www.avnet.com/shop/us/p/kits-and-tools/development-kits/avnet-engineering-services-ade--1/aes-a7mb-7a35t-g-3074457345628965502/|Avnet Arty Materials (Including Out-of-Box demo)]] * [[https://xilinx-wiki.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/A/pages/18841844/ARTY+FreeRTOS+Web+Server|Xilinx ARTY FreeRTOS Web Server Demo]] * [[https://products.avnet.com/opasdata/d120001/medias/docus/10/PB-Artix-7%2035T%20FPGA%20Arty%20Evaluation%20Kit-v4.pdf|Avnet Product Brief]] - //REQUIRES REGISTRATION// * [[https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sandro_Pinto2/publication/334151876_The_industry-first_secure_IoT_stack_for_RISC-V_a_research_project/links/5d1a8c9c92851cf4405c8ebf/The-industry-first-secure-IoT-stack-for-RISC-V-a-research-project.pdf|The industry-first secure IoT stack for RISC-V: a research project]] * [[https://www.sifive.com/documentation/freedom-soc/freedom-e300-platform-reference-manual/|SiFive RISC-V Freedom E300 Platform Getting Started Guide for Arty]] * [[https://www.sifive.com/documentation/freedom-soc/freedom-e300-platform-brief/|SiFive RISC-V Freedom E300 Platform Brief]] * [[https://www.digikey.com/eewiki/display/LOGIC/Digilent+Arty+A7+with+Xilinx+Artix-7+Implementing+SiFive+FE310+RISC-V |Arty A7 SiFive RISC-V FE310 Implementation Guide]] * [[https://github.com/Digilent/Arty/tree/master/Resources/Arty_MIG_DDR3|Arty Xilinx MIG Resources]] * {{:reference:programmable-logic:arty:arty_revc_cad.zip| Arty A7 3D CAD Model}} * {{:reference:programmable-logic:arty-a7:arty_a7.zip| Arty A7 Mechanical Drawing }} * {{https://files.digilent.com/resources/programmable-logic/arty-a7/Arty-A7-100T-RevE-SoV.pdf|Arty A7-100T Statement of Volatility}} {{tag>programmable-logic programmable-logic-start arty-a7 resource-center}}