~~NOTOC~~ ====== Pmod RF2 ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Store Page = https://digilent.com/shop/pmod-rf2-ieee-802-15-rf-transceiver/ | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support = https://forum.digilent.com/forum/7-add-on-boards/ | Title = Pmod RF2 | Subtitle = IEEE 802.15 RF Transceiver | Header = Features | Bullet = IEEE 802.15-compliant RF transceiver | Bullet = Supports ZigBee, MiWi and MiWi P2P wireless networking protocols | Bullet = ISM band 2.405-2.48 GHz operation | Bullet = Integrated 20 MHz and 32.768 oscillator circuitry | Bullet = 12-pin Pmod connector with SPI interface | Bullet = Follows the Digilent {{/reference/pmod/digilent-pmod-interface-specification.pdf |Pmod Interface Specification}} Type 2A | Header = Electrical | Bus = [[learn/fundamentals/communication-protocols/spi/start | SPI]] | Specification Version = 1.2.0 | Logic Level = 3.3v | Header = Physical | Width = 1.2 in (3.05 cm) | Length = 0.80 in (2.03 cm) | Header = Design Resources | Fritzing Part = {{reference:pmod:pmodrf2:pmodrf2.fzpz| }} | Header = Documentation | Primary IC = [[http://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/39776C.pdf | MRF24J40]] | Reference Manual = [[pmod/pmodrf2/reference-manual]] | Schematic = {{reference:pmod:pmodrf2:pmodrf2_sch.pdf| }} | Header = J1 Pinout | Full Row = {{ :reference:pmod:pmod-pinout-2x6.png?direct |}} | Pin 1 = ~CS | Pin 2 = SDI | Pin 3 = SDO | Pin 4 = SCK | Pin 5 = GND | Pin 6 = VCC | Pin 7 = INT | Pin 8 = ~RST | Pin 9 = WAKE | Pin 10 = NC | Pin 11 = GND | Pin 12 = VCC }} {{page>reference-manual}} \\ \\ ===== Example Projects ===== ==Programmable Logic== * [[http://www.instructables.com/id/Smart-Metering-and-Controlling-System/|Smart Metering and Controlling System]] - Community Project * [[http://www.instructables.com/id/Wearable-Wellness-System-Digilent-Desing-Contest-2/|Wearable Wellness System]] - Community Project ---- ===== Additional Resources ===== * Specification Version 1.2.0: {{reference/pmod/pmod-interface-specification-1_2_0.pdf |PDF}} ---- {{tag>pmod pmod-start pmod-spi pmodrf2 rf resource-center}}