~~META: robots = noindex, nofollow ~~ [[pmod:pmod:MIC|Go back to the PmodMIC Resource Center]] ====== PmodMIC Example Code ====== Example code and the associated libraries for various platforms/languages are provided in their respective sections below. ===== MPIDE ===== This is currently not a library and example code for chipKIT's MPIDE. ===== MPLAB ===== There is currently not a library and example code for Microchip's MPLAB. ===== Verilog ===== There is currently no Verilog Demo. ===== VHDL ===== There is currently no VHDL Demo. ===== Vivado ===== There is currently no demonstration project for in Vivado. ===== Reference Project ===== The reference component for the PmodMIC is available in this {{:pmod:pmod:mic:pmodmic_refcomp.zip|zip file}}.