====== chipKIT Wi-FIRE Resource Center====== {{ :chipkit_wifire:16342938662_d48a709066_o.png?600 |}} **Welcome to the resource center for the chipKIT Wi-FIRE! Revision B** As of September 14th 2015, we have replaced this Revision with [[chipkit_wifire:chipkit_wifire|Revision C]]. Please check the version of your board. You can find the revision of your board by looking on the underside, near the white bar-coded box. {{ :chipkit_wifire:wifirerev.png?300 |}} * We are currently on **Revision C** of the WF32. * Revision B, for this resource center, was the first revision available for sale. * Revision C updated the silicon (previously Pre-Production) to Production Silicon. Building on the previous successes with the chipKIT™ WF32, the Wi-FIRE uses the same, 43 available I/O Pins, 12 Analog Inputs, 3.3 Operating voltage, 4 User LEDs, potentiometer, buttons, uses MRF24 on-board wireless module, micro SD Card, dedicated SPI Signals and high efficiency switching 3.3V switching power supply for low-power operation. The Wi-FIRE is significantly faster than its WF32 counterpart, with 200MHz operation speed, 2MB of Flash, 512kB RAM, High Speed USB and a 50MHz SPI. The PIC32MZ core includes the MIPS MicroAptiv CPU Core from Imagination Technologies. microAptiv is a highly efficient, compact, core that is optimized for cloud-connected based projects, using Imagination Technologies’ FlowCloud software. ---- ===== Documentation ===== * **Schematic** -- {{:chipkit_wifire:chipkit-wifire_sch.pdf|PDF of Wi-FIRE REV.B}} * **Reference Manual REV.B** -- [[chipkit_wifire:refmanual_b|Wiki Page]] {{:chipkit_wifire:chipkit-wifire_rm.pdf|PDF}} * Technical description of the chipKIT Wi-FIRE and all of its features. The Wiki may contain more up-to-date information than the PDF. * **Datasheet** -- {{:chipkit_wifire:digilent-chipkit_ss.pdf|PDF}} ------ ===== Downloads for Rev B. ===== * {{:chipkit_wifire:chipkit-wifire.zip|Download}} Open Source EAGLE Project for the chipKIT WiFire. Created in Eagle v6.5 * {{:chipkit_wifire:chipkit-wifire-v01000303.zip|Download}} chipKIT Bootloader image loaded into the WiFire PIC32 microcontroller at the factory * {{:chipkit_wifire:deipck.zip|Download}} This zip file contains the Digilent embedded open-source network stack (DEIPcK). Comes with examples including an HTTP server. * {{:chipkit_wifire:pic32mzerratadatasheet80000588c.pdf|Download}} Errata for the WiFire's PIC32MZ2048ECG silicon. ---- ===== External Links ===== * [[https://forum.digilent.com/index.php?/forum/5-chipkit-boards/|Digilent Forum]]