~~NOTOC~~ ====== Basic I/O Shield ====== {{Digilent Infobox | Manual = [[reference-manual]] | Support = http://forum.digilent.com | Title = Basic I/O Shield | Subtitle = Input/Output Expansion Add-on Board with OLED Display | Header = Key Specifications | EEPROM = 256 Kbit I2C | I2C = I2C daisy chain connector | Header = Connectivity and On-board I/O | Switches = 4 | Push buttons = 4 | LEDs = 8 | Display = 128×32 pixel OLED | FET Drivers = four open-drain FET drivers | Potentiometers = 1 analog potentiometer | Header = Physical | Width = | Length = | Header = Documentation | Schematic = {{ :reference:add-ons:basic-io-shield:basic-io_sch.pdf |PDF}} | Reference Manual = {{ :reference:add-ons:basic-io-shield:basic_io_shield_rm.pdf |PDF}} | Fritzing Part = {{:chipkit_shield_basic_io_shield:io_shield.fzpz|rev 1}} }} {{page>reference-manual}} \\ \\ ===== Tutorials ===== {{topic>basic-io-shield +tutorial}} ---- ===== Example Projects and Libraries ===== {{topic>basic-io-shield +project}} ---- ===== Documentation ===== {{topic>basic-io-shield +doc}} ---- {{tag>shield add-ons basic-io-shield}} ------ ===== Downloads ===== * {{:chipkit_shield_basic_io_shield:chipkit_ioshield_library.zip|Download}} This zip file contains libraries and documentation for using the Basic I/O Shield™ with the MPIDE. * {{:chipkit_shield_basic_io_shield:chipkit_basic_io_bysa.zip|Download}} Open source EAGLE project for the Basic I/O Shield {{tag>legacy resource-center}}